In their order of appearance in the Bible with their prophetic meanings
Old Testament (1st part of the Bible)
Genesis 3 – 14 / 15 The seed of the woman, Christ, will crush the serpent’s head
Psalm 2 Christ, the Anointed One of God, incarnates to have legal right of intervention on earth given to Adam.
Psalm 72 The glory of the Messianic Kingdom.
Psalm 83 Desire for the annihilation of Israel by the Arab peoples and conclusion of conflict : faith or destruction.
Psalm 102 – 16 « When the Lord rebuilds Zion (Biblical Jerusalem), He will appear in His glory. »
Isaiah 2 – 1 / 21 = Jeremiah 4 – 23/26 The LORD will rise to frighten the earth. No more proud man, no more mountain, no more idol.
Isaiah 4 and 11 Visions of the Messianic Kingdom.
Isaiah 13 – 6 / 13 The future judgment of the pagan nations, a ravage of the Almighty.
Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28 The Satan, the adversary and the anti-Christ, their appearances, their works and their destruction.
Isaiah 24 – 19 / 21, 26 – 20 / 21 The earth is torn, it staggers, breaks, wavers. The Eternal chastised the armies from above and below.
Isaiah 32 Christ the King of righteousness.
Isaiah 34 Judgment of the enemies of Israel, Blessing of the Kingdom, Armageddon, Day of the Lord.
Isaiah 35 – 4 Behold, your God, vengeance will come, The reward of God ; He will come and save you.
Jeremiah 30 Return of Israel into the promised land, The time of anguish for Jacob.
Ezekiel 30 – 3 The Day of the LORD : A dark day.
Ezekiel 38 and 39 Judgment of Gog, the confederation of the peoples of the north (Russia) that will invade Palestine.
Daniel 2 – 32 / 35 and 39 / 45 Last earthly kingdoms and advent of the Kingdom of the Messiah.
Daniel 7-6 / 8, 11 / 14 & 23 / 28 Second part of the succinct reign of the anti-Christ of 3.5 years, then eternal reign of the Messiah.
Daniel 8 – 5 / 14 Total reign of the anti-Christ of 7 years, restoration and then halting of the rites of the Jewish temple.
Daniel 8 – 21 / 26 Reign of anti-Christ against Christians converting after the abduction and against the Jews.
Daniel 9 – 23 / 27 The most important, but also the most accurate chronology of past, present and future history.
The 2 words : 1st decree of reconstruction of Jerusalem in 455 or 445 BC by Artaxerxes. Nehemiah 2
Depending on whether or not a 10-year co-regency is considered between father Darius and his young son Xerxes (father of Artaxerxes). Different viewpoints differ according to historians.
1) 69 x 7 = 483 (483-455 = 28, 28 whole years after J.C.) The vision of the perfect sacrifice of Christ born in -5, died at 33.18 years in March 29 AD, put an end to the hereditary dominion of sin in the heart of the repentant believer, who begun to leave by faith a perfect life as His Father in Heaven is Perfect.
Before the 1st coming of the Messiah (rejected and suffering according to Isaiah 53, Psalm 22 …)
2) If our historical starting point is the month of Nisan from 445 BC, it falls into the sabbatical cycle 449-442 BC If the Jewish inclusive method of calculation is used, 449-442 is the first "week" Of Daniel's prophecy. The 69th "week" after Artaxerxes gave Nehemiah permission to rebuild Jerusalem is 28-35 AD.
2nd decree of Jerusalem reconstruction,
After the return of Israel's entire Jerusalem after the 6-Day War ended June 7, 1967, the Israeli competent authority once agreed and announced the beginning of the reconstruction of the Old City from Jerusalem.
"Since the release of the word to return and build Ieroushalam" until the 2nd coming of the Messiah (victorious according to Daniel, Zacharie ...), there are 7 x 7 x 360jrs.
see Annex 13-1: 16/09/2019 + 2520 days = 10/08/2026 (-17640 days = 24/04/1978)
7x360 days 7 x 7 x 360days (7 septaines)
Saints’ Rapture Glorious Messiah Coming Reconstruction Proclamation
What precision! 567 years and 2563 years before completions
Daniel 10 and 11 General repetitions of what the anti-Christ will do, with Alexander the Great then Antiochus Epiphanes.
Daniel 12 The Great Tribulation. The 2 resurrections. The saints will then understand the prophecies.
Joel 1 – 15 and 2 The day of the LORD is great and terrible : Who can sustain it ? Call to repentance of Zion.
Amos 5 – 18 / 20, 8 – 9 The Day of the LORD : Day of darkness. The sun goes down at noon.
Obadiah 15 / 21 The house of Jacob shall be of fire, his enemies of the straw.
Zephaniah 1 The great day of Jehovah : distress, anguish, destruction, destruction, darkness, darkness …
Zephaniah 3 – 8 / 20 Jehovah is in the midst of you : worship, praise, rest, deliverance.
Zechariah 12 – 14 12-1/9 Jerusalem besieged by the nations and destruction of its enemies ; 12-10to14-2 repentance and
Liberation ; 14-3/11 The LORD appears in his Glory ; 14-12 to 15 : wound ; 14-16/21 : World Worship.
Malachi 4 – 5 The return of Elijah the prophet.
New Testament (2nd part of the Bible)
Matthew 24 = Mark 13 = Luke 21 Chronology concerning the return of Jesus Christ – 3 to 14 : the 7 years ; 15-20 : after 3.5 years ;
21 to 28 : then For 3.5 years ; 29-35 : return in glory ; 32-35 : parabola ; 36-51 : Exhortation to vigilance.
John 14 – 2 / 3 The promise of Jesus : I will come again, and I will take you with me …
Romain 8 – 19 All creation awaits the revelation of the sons of God
1 Corinthians 15 The resurrection – 1/11 of Christ ; 12/19 : Importance ; 20/28 : the order ; 29/34 : Certainty ;
35/50 Body of the Risen One ; 51/53 : a mystery, the rapture ; 54/58 : final victory over death.
Ephesians 5 – 25 / 27 How Christ prepared his beautiful wife for the wedding.
1 Thessalonians 4 – 13 / 18 The dead in Christ will arise and the living in Christ will go with them for the rapture
1 Thessalonians 5 – 1 / 11 The day of the Lord Jesus Christ will surprise the men who said peace and safety
2 Thessalonians 1 – 6 / 10 The ruin of the wicked on the day of the Lord Jesus Christ
2 Thessalonians 2 – 1 / 17 6-Rapture ; 3-Appearance of the seductive anti-Christ with false prodigies ; 2-Day of the Lord
8-Destruction of the anti-Christ.
1 Peter 1 – 7 / 13 The attitude of the prophets who spoke of the coming of the Messiah
2 Peter 3 – 4 / 9 The general unbelief in the return of the Lord Jesus Christ
2 Peter 3 – 10 / 16 The cleansing of the heavens and the earth
2 John 7 – 11 The mark of the seducer, the anti-Christ.