62 )  Adoration due to Heavenly Father, in spirit and truth (written on 10/02/18, 46 days before).


One thing captivated Jesus: the heart of His Father. He looked at his father with eyes in His eyes, and read in His Heart as in a book. For Jesus, the Heart of His Father was pure, refreshing and strengthening like the purest water. He did not hide anything from Him. No shadow, no glance fleeing between these two Beloved Ones. In the same way, Jesus will reveal that this is what the Father is looking for: true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth; for these are the worshipers whom the Father asks. God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth. John 4-23 / 24

Likewise, Amos 3-6 Shall a trumpet be blown in a city, without the people being in terror? Is there a misfortune in a city, without Yahweh being the author? 7 For the Lord Jehovah does not do anything without revealing his secret to his servants the prophets. 8 The lion roared: who would not be afraid? The Lord, Yahweh, speaks : who will not prophesy ?

God does not want to hide anything, everything in Him is purity, righteousness of heart, love, perfection, and He wants to share everything. His greatness is that He wants to share everything and transform in His image.

Hosea 14-9 Who is wise, that he may understand these things? Who is prudent, that he may know them? For the ways of Yahweh are right, and the righteous walk in them; But the rebellious stumble in them.


When God put me to heart to write and share to all, I did not know where it would lead, but My Lord showed me in the following order (if my memory serves me) and to my great wonder day by day:                                                                                      Chapters     

  • The accuracy of the Great Sign and the first precise date, upsetting my theology of the moment                                       2
  • The 2nd obvious date according to Jesus, given for the wedding of the Lamb and the refusal of everybody to prepare  1
  • God will open the knowledge to his children at the end times, as He says twice in Daniel 12                                            15
  • The woman represents SION, and the Son represents CHRIST (explanation of the Great Sign)                                       5-1-a
  • A mysterious planet is the cyclic tool of God (serious searches from Christians scientists)                                                   14
  • The beauty of the double star symbolizing a woman carrying a child, a star appearing in the East                                     3
  • Do you agree to question your understanding: "No one knows the day ...", Matthew 24: during the Great Tribulation  4
  • The chronology (quoted upside down) to understand well, according Apostle Paul: 2 Thessalonians 2 6/7            5-2, 50
  • 3rd text showing a known date for the Beloved: The marriage of Isaac and Rebecca in Genesis 24                                     7
  • The departure of the angels and the celestial fight                                                                                                                  5-2
  • The rapture of children (A specific dream was given to me, which I report in chapter 63)                                          5-1, 63
  • 4th text showing a date - Revelation of Daniel 9 23/27: after the proclamation of rebuilding Jerusalem                           7
  • God accelerates the events concerning me, I leave Algeria suddenly after His warning                                                     20
  • God hiding the 2 most important events in the history of humanity: The CROSS veiled by darkness,

and the entry of CHRIST in His REGNE veiled by the light                                                                               24

  • Number of survivors of the Great Tribulation: Men rarer than fine gold, and an estimate of the elects’ number          26
  • The 2 raptures of faithful believers mentioned in the Bible before and during the Great Tribulation                        35, 52
  • An evidence for Jesus in his speech of Matthew 24: "No one knows the day ..."                                                                36
  • The big red dragon visible in heaven too                                                                                                                                      37
  • The completion of the Great Sign is still complete at this time: 10am in Jerusalem on 26th 09 2017 (Total = 60 hours)38
  • Dates in the life of Jesus according to the Stellarium: Conception, Birth, Death                                              47-a & b, 53-a
  • The figure of The Lamb's Wife, The New Jerusalem: 60                                                                                        48-d, 56-a & d
  • Similarity between Jesus and his Church, end of adamic life on earth by a resurrection: November 27, 2017            48-e
  • 80 days of cleansing before possible Entry into the Sanctuary: 27/29 November 2017                                                       50
  • 2 texts speak about the 2 Raptures of the Church: Revelation 12 and Ruth 2                                                                      52
  • Development of Jesus in the womb of Mary: 256 days = 16 x 16 (Love X Love)                                                                 53-a
  • Similarity between Jesus and His Church, end of adamic life on earth by a resurrection: March 28, 2018                  53-d
  • The Mystery of God is fulfilled after the Seven Thunders                                                                                                       53-e
  • Sulamith thought that she saw 13 times her Beloved, according to the expression of his perfect love,

and exclaimed her love without restraint 16 times                                                                                          55

  • 6139 years or 6000 years                                                                                                                                                              56-d
  • The end of Jesus' earthly ministry after his speech on the night of the resurrection; and consequences for the Church,

Dates accordingly: May 27 to June 6 & 11, 2018 in agreement with The prophetic Word of Daniel 9-25                      69

  • “Nehemiah’s Formula” - Valuable information and similarities between the ministries of Nehemiah and Jesus         70
  • The Key of the Enigma: 60 times the time of Jesus Offered = 1 year of Grace; then 8 days waiting to name         71, 72
  • Jesus enters heaven with the offering of his own blood, for the eternal redemption of his people                                 72
  • Enoch, the man who impressed GOD to the point of putting his stamp on the Clock of God                    Appendix 7
  • The last hour workers : 12 x 60 days of Grace + ...                                                                                                                  74
  • “Nehemiah’s Formula” - his night inspection and exposure of his plan lasted: 0.98 days                                  70
  • Noah's Ark and 7 days before the Flood                                                                                                        Appendix 14
  • Solomon's Song of Songs Enigma helps to solve the Enigma of the Saints Rapture                            Appendix 15


I can only bow down and worship  The Sovereign Master of the Universe,  The Father of Glory,  so Wonderful,

who judged me worthy to receive his revelations, sometimes following precise prayers, and gave me by that a perfect joy.

Me: nothing but a great lost sinner, but who has been redeemed by His Beloved Son and made just by His Grace,

powerfully fortified by His Spirit in the inner man and filled to the fullness of God for this particular work.


Heb.11-5 Before he was taken, Henoch had this testimony, that he pleased God.




63 )  A Dream on the Children Rapture (Continued from Chapter 5-1: A Specific Dream Was Given to Me).


For several years, I dream that I can fly and that my greatest desire (in this dream) is to show around me how easy it is. Strangely, 18 months before the end of my earthly life, I understand its spiritual significance.

It is necessary before the rapture to receive the personal testimony that one is pleasing to God. (See Chapter 19)

Abraham was called the friend of God, the most wonderful title one can receive, and Jesus once personally addressed to me this word: I no longer call you servants, because the servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, because I have made known to you all that I have learned from my Father. John 15-15 This word "friend" was clear on the page of my Bible while everything else was unclear and unreadable.


The dream: One day questioning My Lord about the reality or not of the children rapture (because they do not seem to be born again - an indispensable condition according to Jesus to be able to enter the Kingdom of Heaven: In truth, Truly, I say to you, unless a man is born of water and the Spirit, he can not enter into the kingdom of God, John 3-5), I had a dream one night in which I saw a beautiful little girl, about 2 years old, with blond hair and long curls, tenderly held in the arms of her black haired dad. A very well dressed man, I knew he was Turkish. Strangely, he approached a high cliff at the edge of the sea, when suddenly his little girl escaped his arms and made a vertiginous fall in the precipice. From a fast flight, I grabbed the child by the hair and gently returned to the dad to lay in his arms again the rescued child in-extremis. How many grateful he was towards me. So I moved away from him and saw after a few moments, once again the child escape from the tender arms of his father and fall again in the precipice. A second time I flew quickly into space and grabbed the girl by the hair before she crashed on the floor. A voice from heaven was heard then commanding me not to put her back in the arms of her father but rather to take her to heaven by telling me the reason for this rapture "for God alone takes a loving care." This Turkish father was upset. I woke up, the mind filled with this dream.

I knew that God alone really took care of children and that it was by love that He would take away the young children.

Jesus said: No one is able to snatch my sheeps out of my Father's hand. John 10-29 , Hosea 9-11/13      

(see Chapter 5 and Appendix 9-2)