67 ) The Word of God is very precise, The Word of God aims her target. (Is it possible to give a date? See Chapters 4 and 36).
The interpretation of The Word of God that one makes is very often chilly and with impression of restraint. Is the reason the humility of the faithful servant or the fear of the haughty, bad and lazy servant? For my part, I make a huge difference between a prophecy and the interpretation of a prophecy or a prophetic sign.
Here are 4 interpretations below, try of understanding the biblical texts :
Daniel 9 - 23 When you began to pray, the word came out, and I come to tell you ; because you are a beloved. Be attentive to the word, and understand the vision! Twenty seventy weeks have been laid on your people and on your holy city, to put an end to transgressions and to put an end to sins, to expiate iniquity and to bring eternal justice, to seal the vision and the prophet, and to anoint the holy of holies. 25 Know it, and understand! From the moment when the word announced that Jerusalem will be rebuilt until the Anointed, the Conductor, seven weeks ago; in sixty-two weeks, the places and the ditches will be restored, but in unfortunate times. 26 After the sixty-two weeks, an Anointed One will be cut off, and he will have no successor. The people of a leader who will come to destroy the city and the sanctuary, and its end will come as by a flood; it is decided that the devastations will last until the end of the war. 27 He will make a strong covenant with many for a week, and during the middle of the week he will stop the sacrifice and the offering; the devastator will commit the most abominable things until ruin and what has been solved are based on the devastator.7 weeks of years after a decree for Jerusalem’s reconstruction and before the 2nd coming of the Messiah (victorious and reigning according to Daniel, Zachariah ...)
2nd decree of reconstruction of Jerusalem, (After the 1st decree of Artaxerxes pronounced in 445 or 455 before Christ)
During the 6 Days War, June 7, 1967, Jerusalem is liberated. But the Israeli Parliament, the Knesset will vote to "restore and rebuild Jerusalem - bring the Jewish Quarter back to life" on the eve of Passover, April 1, 1969, for reasons of archaeological study before being able to give the green light to reconstruction. 1967 or 1969 + 49 years (7 weeks = 7 weeks of year)
On March 18, 29, at 3 pm in Jerusalem, Jesus on the Cross cried out, "All is accomplished" before rendering the spirit.
This commemorative day March 28, 2018 will be preceded by the 7 thunders of which God asked John not to transcribe the words (clear and obvious to help know the Great Day of the Coming of the Beloved to seek his Bride).
Revelation 10 4 And when the seven thunders uttered their voices, I was about to write ; and I heard a voice from heaven saying, Seal up what the seven thunders said, and write it not. This was sealed, but God mentioned it here because He wants to reveal what is hidden to His Beloved at the end of time. (See Chapter 53 e). Dare to take the time to read this writing calmly and you will understand this Great Sign and you will discover like me the immensity of God's Love, His Solicitude, His Prevenience, His Precision ... Is it inconceivable that God has hidden intentionally for 20 centuries to his Church the moment of the rapture to keep her awake and finally reveal it to her children as He says in Daniel 12 - 4 And you, Daniel, hide the words and seal the book until the time of the end. Many will read it (will run here and there); and the knowledge (about the book) will increase ... 9 These words will be kept secret and sealed until the time of the end.
68 ) The Word of God is very precise in Daniel 9-25 (See more details in Appendix 13),
We wrote that the Great Sign was on Wednesday, March 28, 2018, Oh Wonder 3 days before Easter 2018: Saturday, March 31, 2018 after sunset, time of the Resurrection of Jesus (See chapter 47-c). His death was celebrated 3 days ago, on Wednesday, March 28, 2018.
Will the Lord wait three more days before his return on the clouds for the Resurrection / Raptured of His Beloved?
We are not prophets, but the Beloved Daniel prophesied by the Holy Spirit by writing his book. I do like the prophets, who prophesied concerning the grace that was reserved for us, and who made this salvation the object of their research and their investigations, 11 wanting to probe the time and the circumstances marked by the Spirit of God. Christ who was in them, and who testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ and the glory of which they would be followed. 1 Peter 1-10
Daniel 9 - 25 Know this, and understand! From the moment when the word announced that Jerusalem will be rebuilt until the Anointed, the Conductor, there is seven weeks ...
Between the proclamation that Jerusalem will be rebuilt and the Anointed One, the Messiah, the Conductor, there will be 7 x 7 years = 49 years.
During the 6 Days War, June 7, 1967, Jerusalem is liberated. But the Israeli Parliament, the Knesset will vote to "restore and rebuild Jerusalem - bring the Jewish Quarter back to life" on the eve of Passover, April 1, 1969, for reasons of archaeological study before being able to give the green light to reconstruction. 1967 or 1969 + 49 years (7 septaines = 7 weeks of the year)
"The Knesset vote for" Restoring and rebuilding Jerusalem "arrived on the eve of Passover on April 1, 1969, and the Knesset Act created the "Company for the Reconstruction and Development of the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem" also called "Jewish Quarter Development Company" (JQDC). This company is also responsible for all construction projects in the Old City. However the true command [dabar, word] to BEGIN rebuilding, came May 6, 1969 ".
The work was supervised by a team of Jewish architects, in coordination with a team of archaeologists, in order not to disturb any valid archaeological evidence. They also had to decide which sites were "safe" and which sites would be designated for archaeological excavations. For these reasons, the actual reconstruction began only thirty days later, on June 6, 1969.
This great prophecy of Daniel 9 - 25 must come reality and it can only be fulfilled by:
Here are two more possible dates, so now 12 times plausibly, humbly before God, we have contemplated the fulfillment of the mystery of God, whose object is the glorious manifestation of God announced by the Great Sign: (See chapter 51 - b and reason in chapter 55)
Once we added Today as the Lord calls daily to salvation men of all times, of all spiritual conditions, of all people. (See Chapter 51)
Hebrews 4-7 God fixes one day again - Today - saying in David so long after, as it is said above: Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts.
69 ) Wait for what Jesus, the Father and the Holy Spirit have promised
John 14-3 When I am gone, and I have prepared for you a place, I will return, and I will take you with me, that where I am, you shall be there also.
1 Corinthians 15-51 Behold, I tell you a mystery: we will not all die, but we will all be changed, 52 in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. The trumpet will sound, and the dead will be resurrected incorruptible, and we will be changed ...
If we consider a similarity between Jesus and his Church, both ending their Adamic passage on earth by a Resurrection (or a Rapture) :
The scriptures mention 5 appearances of the risen Jesus to his disciples on the very day of the resurrection:
To Mary Magdalene (Mark 16-9/11, John 20-11/18); to women returning from the sepulcher (Matthew 28-8/10); to Peter (Luke 24-34, 1 Corinthians 15-5); to the two disciples of Emmaus (Mark 16-12, Luke 24-13 / 32); then in evening, to the 10 Apostles without Thomas and to the disciples with them (Mark 16-14, Luke 24-36/43, John 20-19/25). Throughout this day Jesus will appear, which is why we can say again Today during this waiting period of 60 days, from March 28 to May 27.
2) If we knew at what time the Lord left the disciples this Sunday night we could know the deadline for his return. If the day was in decline when the disciples of Emmaus invited Jesus, and if they made the return trip to Jerusalem distant about 11km (60 stadia) with precipitation, then they had reach the disciples to around 19-20h. Jesus then appeared to the gathered disciples and after having eaten and talked with them for a long time to explain to them the scriptures and to entrust to them the mission to evangelize the whole world, this during about 2 hours, the Lord left them. It should be about 22-24h. He wanted to have in them His victory over death. He had come to destroy the tyranny that the fear of death inspires to the sinners that we are.
While He spoke to them, they must be trembling to realize the vastness of the good news to be transmitted: Death had been defeated and its terror also because the Lord had paid the price of justification before the Almighty God, the Sovereign Judge of all the universe, their sins had been expiated and they had the assurance of their salvation. 2 times Jesus was obliged to tell them with love: Peace be with you! For the physical and psychic excitement that the vision of the Risen Savior was producing on the disciples was indescribable. Jesus had to look at them individually in their eyes so that they would be appeased and able to record the message that He was going to deliver them.
They had to see it resurrected, it was the fulfillment of all His Work, His Destiny, it was the fulfillment of his prophetic Word
"they will kill him, and the third day he will rise again" and most of all,
It was the proof of the acceptance, by God the Supreme Judge, of the Sacrifice considered perfect of the Substitute of the whole Humanity.
As one man, Adam, dragged the entire humanity into falling and disobedience, so did one new man,
Jesus offers to the whole of humanity the possibility of a FREE Glorious Salvation, because already paid by His Own Poured Blood.
Romans 5-12 Therefore, as by one-man sin came into the world, and by sin death, and so death was spread over all men, because all sinned, Thus, as by a single offense, the condemnation has reached all men, so by one act of justice the justification which gives life extends to all men… 19 For, as by the disobedience of one man many have been made sinners, so by the obedience of one many will be made righteous.
"In the resurrection of Jesus Christ broke forth for the first time the victory that had just been won over death. And this first prey torn from the tyrant is the pledge of the deliverance and the future resurrection of all justified humanity.
The glorified Church will be the magnificent harvest from which the risen Jesus was the first fruits. Complete incorruptibility, moral and physical, will crown the work that the heroic love of Jesus dared to conceive and manage to execute." Frédéric GODET
They realized: "Whoever lives and believes in Me will never die." John 11-26. They were overjoyed and eager to proclaim the Good News. They wanted all the sinners around them to be forgiven, they wanted to talk to everyone about their wonderful Savior. This is what the Wonderful Savior and Lord Jesus put in the heart of each of his children.
Luke 24-41 And when in their joy they did not yet believe, and were astonished, he said to them, Have you anything here to eat? 42 They presented him with roasted fish and a honeymoon. 43 He took some, and he ate before them. 44 And he said to them, This is what I said to you when I was still with you, that all that is written of me should be fulfilled in the law of Moses, in the prophets, and in the psalms. 45 Then he opened their minds for them to understand the scriptures. 46 And he said unto them, Thus it is written, That the Christ would suffer, and rise from the dead on the third day, 47 And that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in His name to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem. 48 You are witnesses of these things. 49 And behold, I will send to you what my Father has promised; but you, stay in the city until you are clothed with power from above.
John 20-19 On the evening of that day, which was the first of the week, the gates of the place where the disciples were closed, because of the fear that they had of the Jews, Jesus came, stood in the middle of and said to them, Peace be with you! 20 And when he had said this, he showed them his hands and his side. The disciples rejoiced when they saw the Lord. 21 Jesus said to them again, Peace be with you! As the Father sent me, so I send you. 22 And after these words he breathed on them, and said to them, Receive the Holy Ghost. 23 Those to whom you forgive sins, they will be forgiven them; and those to whom you will retain them, they will be withheld.
The disciples were more and more convinced that they too would never die, as their Resurrected Savior, He was living proof of it. His body had been transformed to the point of suddenly appearing in the midst of them as the door of the place was closed, the disciples contemplating there the immensity of the power of their Lord. The Kingdom of God was already shining before their eyes in the Transformed and Glorious Body of their Savior.
But before it became effective in their own bodies, they had to share This Good News, this Wonderful Salvation that was made free by the price paid by the Savior for men who would recognize themselves as sinners and turn away from their past lives to turn to the Living God.
Before this glorious metamorphosis of their bodies, it will be:
The Time of the Ministry of the Church = 60 times the time of the Son of God given by the Father
Until the proof of the acceptance of His atoning sacrifice for the sins of humanity.
Jesus offered himself, even though his disciples had to accept it, they said YES to Jesus, so He disappeared,
This famous Sunday night, which they will remember all their lives. He was alive for eternity.
Then finally it will be:
The Resurrection - Rapture of the Saints.
1 John 3-1 See what love the Father has shown us, that we may be called children of God! And we are. If the world does not know us, it is because he did not know it. 2 Beloved, we are now children of God, and what we will be has not yet been manifested; but we know that when it is manifested, we will be like him, because we shall see him as he is. 3 Everyone who has this hope in him purifies himself, as he is pure.
If we add these 4 to 6 hours after the Sunday of the Resurrection of Jesus, between 18h and 22 to 24, corresponding to the end of his speech-admonition-command and the time when the disciples received the Holy Spirit in a small group;
And if we consider a similarity between Jesus and his Church, both ending their adamic passage on earth by a resurrection (or abduction);
And if 1 day of the life of Jesus is equivalent to 60 days of the time of the Church, we understand that these 4 to 6 hours add still
4 to 6 hours X 60 = 240 to 360 hours, ie 10 to 15 days maximum waiting time after May 27, 2018:
Until June 6, 2018 or June 11, 2018.
3) The prophetic Word of Daniel 9-25 must be fulfilled
"The Knesset vote for" Restoring and rebuilding Jerusalem "arrived on the eve of Passover on April 1, 1969, and the Knesset Act created the "Company for the Reconstruction and Development of the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem" also called "Jewish Quarter Development Company" (JQDC). This company is also responsible for all construction projects in the Old City. However, the true command [dabar, word] to BEGIN rebuilding, came May 6, 1969". The work was supervised by a team of Jewish architects, in coordination with a team of archaeologists, in order not to disturb any valid archaeological evidence. They also had to decide which sites were "safe" and which sites would be designated for archaeological excavations. For these reasons, the real reconstruction began only thirty days later, on June 6, 1969. The authority delegated by the Israeli Parliament, the KNESSET, within the Jewish Quarter Development Company, this authority decided without doubt a few days before June 6, 1969, the Reconstruction of Jerusalem.
We emphasize this fact to show that the Word of Daniel 9-25 will be fulfilled.
4) Pentecost will be celebrated on Sunday, May 20, & Monday, May 21, 2018
Pentecost will be the day of The Resurrection - Reapture of Saints for many Christians in the United States, because for them the end of the Church will be the anniversary of her birth at Pentecost, (according to them) day when she has received the Holy Spirit collectively to bear witness throughout the world to the atoning work of His Lord. https://www.blessedhope2018.com/
Mary Magdalene, however, witnessed the first day of her encounter with the Risen One; this encounter has completely transformed it. His Lord was there before her, alive, and He called her by name: Mary. The other disciples on Sunday night of the Resurrection were armed and clothed with the Holy Spirit to already go and be able to forgive the sins of repentant sinners.
5) By the study of the Great Sign given by God and the Bride's number: 60, (using the Stellarium tool too)
So here is 1 more possible periode, Sunday May 27th to Wednesday June 6th , 2018, so now 14 times plausibly, humbly before God, we have contemplated the fulfillment of the mystery of God, whose object is the glorious manifestation of God announced by the Great Sign: See chapter 51 - b and reason in chapter 55)
Twice we have added Today as the Lord calls daily to salvation men of all times, of all spiritual conditions, of all family (See Chapter 51). We can say again Today during this 70 days waiting days, from March 28 to June 6, 2018.