75) Conclusion: The Word of God and the Mystery of the Saints' Rapture Date
All times of God are hidden in His Word, and a child can find them.
Deuteronomy 29-29 The things hidden are to the Lord our God; the revealed things are ours and our children, in perpetuity, so that we put into practice all the words of this law.
Proverbs 25-2 The glory of God is to hide things; The glory of kings is to probe things.
Whoever has ears to hear, hear!
God reveals His Secrets, His Mysteries,
to His Friends, His Children.
Hebrews 11-5 Before his translation
Enoch had this testimony,
that he pleased God.
Although the Bible announces precisely the date, by the prophet Daniel and the Apostle John, of the Day of the Lord, of the Return in Glory of Jesus on earth, nobody will be able to predict the day and the hour, except The Marvelous Indissociable Supreme Being, The Creator God of all things, manifested in 3 Persons but only One Being.
Daniel 7-25, 9-27, 12-7 & 11 and Revelation 7-14, 11-2, 12-6 & 14, 13-5 :
Defined by a specific number of days: 1260 days; 3.5 x 360 = 1260 days; 42 months of 30 days = 1260 days
Why ? Because time cannot be counted anymore.
The alternation of day and night will not even be discernible. See Chapters 4 and 36.
But concerning the Wonderful Rendez-Vous,
addressed to all his Beloved, prepared for
The Great Day of the Wedding of the Lamb of God,
Daniel 12 - 4 And you, Daniel, hide the words and seal the book until the time of the end. Many will run here and there; and knowledge (about the book) will increase.
Daniel 12 - 9 These words will be kept secret and sealed until the time of the end.
Luke 10 - 21 At this very moment Jesus shook with joy by the Holy Ghost, and said, "I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, from what You hid these things from the wise and the wise, and from what You revealed them to the children. Yes, Father, I praise you for the fact that you wanted it so. "
John 4-25 I know that the Messiah is to come the one called Christ; when He has come, He will tell us all things.
1 Corinthians 2-10 God has revealed them to us through the Spirit. For the Spirit searches everything, even the depths of God.
1 Corinthians 15-51 Behold, I say to you a mystery: we will not all die, but we will all be changed, 52 in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. The trumpet will sound, and the dead will be resurrected incorruptible, and we will be changed. 53 For this corruptible must put on incorruptibility, and this mortal must put on immortality. 54 When this corruptible body has put on incorruptibility, and this mortal body has put on immortality, then the word that is written will be fulfilled: Death has been swallowed up in victory. 56 The sting of death is sin; and the power of sin is the law. 57 But thanks be to God, who gives us victory through our Lord Jesus Christ!
1 Thessalonians 4 - 15 For this we say to you from the word of the Lord, that we who are alive, who are left for the coming of the Lord, will not precede those who are dead. 16 For the Lord Himself will come down from heaven with the voice of an archangel and the sound of the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. 17 Then we who are alive, who are left, shall be caught up together with them in clouds, to meet the Lord in the air, and so we shall always be with the Lord.
God in his wisdom intentionally hid for 20 centuries
to his church the moment of the rapture to keep her awake,
But this is the normal attitude of a Fiancée who loves and waits for her Beloved.
God so hid too this revelation
to all unbelievers and his enemies ... (Daniel 12-10)
the humble of hearts understand.
Every bride has a time of preparation for Her Specific Date.
Jesus warned His People: " If you won’t watch, you won’t know what hour I will come. " Revelation 3-3
The Bride will know: The One who watches will know which day and at what hour Her Spouse will come to pick Her up. Heb 10-25
Inhabited by the Holy Spirit of God, She will know in Her Time this precious information.
GOD in His Grace gives a pause to all of humanity, a confinement time at home, a time of preparation before HIS DAY.
See Chapter 76-12 & 13.
In 4 Scripture passages, God shows us that He will give a date for the rapture.
See Appendix 13.
From 8 Scripture passages, God invites us to deduce the Date of the Rapture.
From the number attached to The Bride of the Lamb (60), we can deduce the Time of Construction of the Church from the Time of the Incarnation of Jesus (Man), the Time of Jesus' Preparation for His Unique and Great Work: The Redemption granted to every man who asks Grace for his sins and believes in the Substitute offered by God Himself, the Sovereign Judge of all the universe. See Chapter 48-d & e.
And if I allow myself to follow The Spirit of The Word of God: This is how the birth (or fulfillment) of Jesus Christ (Jesus - The Head gathered with the Church - His Body) will happen. Zion, his spiritual mother (represents the people of God attached by heart to His Lord who gives birth to real life offspring of true believers - See Psalm 87 and Chapters 5 and 19) having been engaged to God, became pregnant with spiritual children, by the virtue of the Holy Spirit, before they lived together (in heaven)
See Chapter 76-13h3 & 13o.
Since Abraham, Until The Coming of His Messiah, past the age of 5,
There are 1991 years = 727,225 days = 727,200 + 25 days
And from The Resurrection of His Messiah, until His Return on the Clouds,
for The Resurrection / Rapture of His Victorious Bride,
There are may be 1991 years = 727,552 days = 727,200 + 352 days
With the waiting time of 50 + 302 days of the Bride.
As Jesus waited 40 days (Ascension) and the Holy Spirit 50 days (Pentecost).
Here is the key to the times: The duration of Jesus’ Incarnation : 12,120 days
See Chapters 2, 15, 23, 31.
In 3 Scriptures passages, God tells us when will be the 12th Hour
The 12th Hour is from 13 to 16 September 2019 See Chapters 2, 15, 23, 31 and 74.
The 12th hour has come: The Rapture of the Saints is near See Annex 14-6.
constructed in accordance with the construction schedule of the Jerusalem Wall
and completed on the 25th of the month 'Elul = 25 September 2019 See Chapter 70.
In 6 Scripture passages, God tells us that we will have to wait after the 12th Hour
for the Jewish people in relation to the Patience of God See Appendix 7-h.
and the sharing of the Body and Blood of Jesus God See Chapter 76-9.
In 2 Scripture passages, God tells us the beginning of the second planetary cataclysm.
influenced the Clock of God established for humanity. See Appendix 7.
Beginning of the 7 times of the Apocalypse after 7 days, See Appendix 14-6; or 30 days. See Chapter 76-d-2
In several passages of the Scriptures, God shows us that He will have to wait and postpone:
How long has GOD postponed the Kingdom Meal? See prophecy in Luke 14-17 and 23
For His People of Israel: 7 times (Annexes 13 & 15), 100 years (Annex 7-h), 130 years (Chapter 56-d) ...?
How long has GOD postponed the Wedding Supper? See prophecy in Matthew 22-4 and 9
For The Church: The Bridegroom arrives late at night (Chapter 76-9), 8 days of waiting to circumcise and give the name
and also to transmit His Ministry (Chapters 72-1 to 5, 72-13b and 76-9).
But no reproach is made to His Glorious, Holy and Impeccable Beloved Bride according to Ephesians 5-27.
The Good Shepherd is Patient and walks to the rythm of His Herd ... not wanting any of the chosen ones to perish.
5) One of the biggest objections to knowing the day of the Rapture of Saints:
If Christians knew what day the Lord was coming, they would indulge their natural inclinations before and would only repent just before His supposed Return.
Is this the thought of the disciple of Christ, of the one who will be raptured, of the one who received, like Enoch before his removal, the interior witness that he is pleasing to God?
Or is it the thought of the tares? Matthew 13-24 to 30
To think and preach that is to manifest a lack of understanding of the Sacrifice offered by God.
This shows that the following truths are not taught or have not been understood by listeners:
When Adam (or Boaz) woke up, Eve (Ruth) was already perfect. Hebrews 10-14
My beloved brothers and sisters, if that was your thought, repent and consider your lack of seriousness, humble yourself under the powerful hand of the Lord, with piety and with fear, for our God is also a consuming fire. Hebrews 12-29
For those who want
to look into the Lord’s Perfect work
and worship Him in return,
I encourage them to read
the chapters in red with gray highlights.
May he who has an open heart to His Lord understand!
God bless you, good meditation and good preparation
For your departure to the house of Heavenly Father.
Humble yourselves under God's Hand, repent, forgive all,
and believe in the forgiveness of your Savior,
Your Beloved and Loving Father,
through the Work of Jesus Your Lord.
Give to God alone all Glory. Jude 25
D.C. Useless Servant jamosion@gmail.com
The book : www.Jamosion.net