The Church’s Rapture - The Zion’s Transformation-Ascension - The New Creation
The Saints Entry ... into Heaven
A few lines on my next departure…
So that you will not be surprised when you do not see me any more.
Nevertheless, I hope that you will come with me.
May My People prepare for His Departure!
There is nothing hidden that must not be discovered, nor secret that must not be known. Luke 12-2
Written by D.C.( ), an unprofitable servant, between November 2016 and February 16, 2025
Content - Index
Please click on the Chapters in Blue below to access the texts
0) Introduction (See Annex 16) =====>
1) The invitation of the Great KING
2) An undeniable GREAT SIGN in Heaven - John BIBLE and Astronomy and Astrology
3) The bright star announcing the birth of the Savior Jesus
4) & 36) Apparent contradiction with the words of Jesus: "No one knows of that day and hour"
5) Explanation of the GREAT SIGN
6) The Bible is explained by the Bible - The writings of Jesus
7) Let's look at a parallel passage that will illuminate the circumstances of the rapture - Rebekah knew
8) Be careful, note that the date of Rapture is not necessarily September 23
9) Your reaction face this GREAT SIGN
10) Let me show you a personal experience (See Annex 16)
11) The living God becomes in our hearts Who He really is
12) Let us contemplate the Unique Work of the Messiah (Frédéric GODET)
13) Are you being questioned?
14) Here are some serious pages on Planet 7X
15) We hope that you will make the right choice according to God's advice
17) Main Bible Texts on The Return of Jesus Christ
18) Prayer, exhortation to accept and await the LORD JESUS CHRIST - The Ticket is free
19) To be sure to be raptured - The Song of the Rapture - The revelation of ZION by GOD
20) How did all this happen to me? (See Annex 16)
21) Let us try, if it is possible, to stop talking about what is so extraordinary
22) Some reflections, my goal is to warn His People
23) Explanatory Diagram of the GREAT SIGN
24) My joy is perfect - The Lighting Reign of GOD has arrived
25) Our Transformation and Our Departure
26) Summary Table of the apocalyptic plagues - Many figures given by Jesus
27) The sign of Jonah, his brokenness and obedience, and the salvation for a whole people.
28) The wise obediant first church sold everything, She has amassed treasures in heaven.
29) 23, 24, 25 September 2017, the last trumpet
30) Notes on the Software used: STELLARIUM31
31) Let us admire the celestial mechanics created by Our Father and His Word Jesus
32) The sky that will be seen from the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem on September 23, 2017
33) The Wink of the Lord 1 lunar month before.
34) Who will understand the strategy of GOD Almighty?
35) The 2 "Raptures" of believers mentioned in the Bible before & at the end of the tribulation.
36) What was obvious to Jesus - 4 passages of Scriptures "No one knows of that day and hour"
37) The great red dragon (Urgent rapture)
38) If the Word seems to be slow to be fulfilled - The perfect symmetry of the Great Sign: 60 H
39) 3 times
40) Reminder on the date that seems limit: on 05 10 2017
41) But does God fear anything from the dragon?
42) The Obedience of the Son of God to the Heavenly Father
43) An Infinite and Eternal Recognition to Jesus and to my Father.
44) The Glory and Joy of GOD: "That God may be all in all"
45) The Mystery of God is fulfilled with the seventh trumpet
46) The Holy Spirit understands the secrets of Christ and communicates them to The Bride
47) Jesus' passage on Earth was a Great Light for humanity
48) The Church’passage on Earth will be a Light for humanity - The number of The Lamb's Bride : 60
49) JESUS was not afraid to say to his disciples: ... but 3 days later He will resurrect.
50) 80 days of cleansing - The logical sequence of events & The 7th Trumpet (The last One)
51) I have hardened his heart ... Let my people go
52) Texts about 2 "Raptures" of believers (Church - Israel) before & at the end of the tribulation
53) Let's look at the Times in the life of Jesus & His Church
54) Dates and Chronology of Tribulation & Great Tribulation
55) I am neither a prophet nor a son of a prophet (See Annex 16) - The Enigma in Song of Solomon
56) 6000 years of humanity’s history…
57) God's dilemma between His Justice and ... His Love
58) The Perfect Holiness of Jesus Christ becomes Our Holiness (Frédéric GODET)
59) The beauty of the 4 Perfect Beloved
60) God 4 in 1, the Ultimate Desire of Jesus Christ - Necessity of the Trinity and the Incarnation
61) About Christian Perfection
62) Adoration due to God, in spirit and truth - My Lord showed me in the following order (Annex 16)
63) A Dream on the Children Rapture
64) To those who will remain after the rapture - Still Glorious
65) The time is short
66) The 4 Signatures of the Divine Plan
67) The Word of God is very precise, she aims her target
68) The Word of God is very precise in Daniel 9-25
69) Wait for what Jesus, The Father and The Holy Spirit have promised
70) "Nehemiah's Formula" : [39 + 14x(193/14)]men x 52d + (3+1)d = 12120 days
71) The Key to the Enigma : 60 X the time of Jesus Offered = …
72) The Blood of Jesus erases sin, even from the Memory of GOD
73) The Parable of 10 Virgins
74) GOD' Time based on CHRIST
75) Conclusion: The Word of God and the Mystery of the Rapture Date
76) The Incarnation of the Son of God Mystery, His Coming and… His Return
The duration of Jesus’ Incarnation: 12 120 = 6 x 2020 days 76-9c
Abraham saw from afar the symmetry of the times around The Sacrifice offered by GOD 76-13h4 & 5
A Grace of God: God loves men and even corrected their calendar 76-13j
David received the porch and the temple plans, = the heavenly Temple The Church 76-13p4
Elijah and the fire from heaven which falls and raises the 3 + 1 libations Witness 76-13o & u & v
Paul prophesied the fulfillment of Messiah Christo (2020) in one flesh... in 2020 76-13q
The hour of Jesus' resurrection 76-13r & t
The Key of David and its mysteries 76-13x & 17f
The 2 witnesses and their preaching in 2021 : Christ crucified 76-13q51&13x-f &27
The Bride of the Lamb transformed according to the promises carried by Jachin & Boaz 76-13z & 17
Jesus in His Ministry as High Priest for 1200 days 76-15g3
The various confirmations of the night of January 11/12 for The Birth of Jesus 76-15j & 80-8
The opening of the times of Christ: "Holiness to the Lord" = "My Son, I begot you this day" 76-17f & 80-9
The End in 2021 (2nd creation) was announced by God from the 1st Bible verse 76-19
The Holy Spirit is poured out like the Great Waters for 189 days on all nations 76-22
Here are the plausible dates – The various rungs of the ladder (see following 76-30-12 S8 and 78c) 76-29
Is the date of Christ's birth clearly stated in the Bible? 32nd day 76-30 & 80-9
The Heavenly Jerusalem The number of The Messiah : 32 76-30-5 & 12h
My best Friend is God… He took care of the animals subject to death 76-23&30-12u & 79-9&10
77) After the rapture, the 2 witnesses send by God and Gog et Magog's war
78) Reminder : Birth into the New Creation - Jesus preaches to the spirits in prison, Beginning and
79) End - The 3 days and 3 nights - Thursday his death - Saturday night his resurrection - Chosen Calendar
80) The glorious original nudity restored - Jesus at 12 years old reveals the date of his return
81) CHRIST Head and Body - The Times and Ministry of CHRIST - Jesus in Christ and Eklesia in Christ
Annex 1: Synopsis of Humanity’s History
Annex 2: Apocalypse’Scenario according Jesus
Annex 3: The Most Holy Place of the Whole Earth - Golgotha
Annex 4: His feet will be on this day on the Mount of Olives - The Valley of the mountains
Annex 5: The Messiah's Home, the King of the Whole Earth during the Millennium
Annex 6: Works by Johannes KEPLER the Austrian astronomer - The date of birth of Jesus
Annex 7: Enoch, The Man who impressed GOD - The Clock of GOD based on Enoch's Life
Witness The Dates of the apocalyptic disasters and The date of the Day of The Lord
Annex 8: Personal Conclusion (See Annex 16)
Annex 9: Number of missing people - Abraham' descendants : The animals salvation
Annex 10: God announces what will happen after the Rapture
Annex 11: The Divinity of Jesus-Christ, Base of Our Elevation (Frédéric GODET)
Annex 12: The Messiah of Israel: Jesus-Christ Crucified, Triumphant; discovered by Moses - Moses/Josuah
Annex 13: Date of the Messiah's coming for Israel according to Daniel 9-25
Annex 14: Noah's Ark discovered on Mts Ararat and... the Mystery of the Rapture - Haggai
Annex 15: Solomon's Song Enigma helps to solve the Saints Rapture Enigma - Sulamith
Annex 16: My testimony & My personal destiny
Book Summary & Solution to the Enigma: This first page of the site & the page bottom summarize the book,
(Detailed explanations – the various rungs of the ladder – are in the various chapters)
Important Chapters: 2, 4 et 36, 18, 19, 26, 47, 48, 52, 64, 76 & 80, & finally Annex : 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 14.
Red Chapters highlighted in gray, to contemplate GOD & His Work and to worship Him
The Introduction (Chapter 0) and all personal Chapters in Green are included in Annex 16
The Initiator Event of … Apocalypse
You know what is restraining the man of sin, so that he only appears in his time. For the mystery of
iniquity is already working ; Only there is one who restrains now, until he is taken out of the way.
Night of May 22/23, 2025, (see Chapters 80-8 to 80-11U)
Will millions of Saints and Children disappear ?
The solution to the enigma is in The Key of David, summarized in the middle of this page
This is The Fulfillment of CHRISTO : exactly 2020 Years after the begetting of CHRIST in Jesus
Jesus’ present at 12y old is based on the past begetting at 8y old which points to the future => y 2025
[8th birthday of Jesus: Jan 11/12 of the year 4, + 32+365+100 days + 2020 years = May 22/23, 2025]
Let us do like the prophets, who made this salvation the object of their research and their investigations, wanting to probe the time and the circumstances marked by the Spirit of Christ who was in them, and who testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ and the glory of which they would be followed. 1 Peter 1-10/11
So here are my assumptions / suppositions following my research / investigations in The Word of God,
Impossible to do them without The Wonderful Guidelines of My Beloved Lord and Savior : JESUS - CHRIST.
I do not add anything to The Word of God, I am only trying to understand The Logic of My Heavenly Father.
Schematic conclusion of chapters 74-75-76-80 (Table 2 not up to date)
The 9+98 passages in green below of Holy Bible tell us about the date of the Rapture of the Saints.
Please click on the Chapters C3... or Annex A7... in Blue below, to access the texts.