The Church Rapture

The Saints Entry into Heaven 

  A few lines on my next departure

So that you will not be surprised when you do not see me any more.

Nevertheless, I hope that you will come with me.

May My People prepare for His Departure!

 There is nothing hidden that must not be discovered, nor secret that must not be known. Luke 12-2

Written by D.C.( ), a useless servant, between November 2016 and April 24, 2024


                               Content - Index

                                                                                     Please click on the Chapters in Blue below to access the texts

0) Introduction (see Chapters 20, 55, 10 & 62)                                           =====> 

1) The invitation of the Great KING

2) An undeniable GREAT SIGN in Heaven - John                     BIBLE and Astronomy and Astrology

3) The bright star announcing the birth of the Savior Jesus

4) & 36) Apparent contradiction with the words of Jesus: "No one knows of that day and hour"   

5) Explanation of the GREAT SIGN

6) The Bible is explained by the Bible - The writings of Jesus

7) Let's look at a parallel passage that will illuminate the circumstances of the rapture - Rebekah knew

8) Be careful, note that the date of Rapture is not necessarily September 23

9) Your reaction face this GREAT SIGN

10) Let me show you a personal experience

11) The living God becomes in our hearts Who He really is

12) Let us contemplate the Unique Work of the Messiah (Frédéric GODET)

13) Are you call to mind?

14) Here are some serious pages on Planet 7X

15) We hope that you will make the right choice according to God's advice


17) Main Bible Texts on The Return of Jesus ​​Christ

18) Prayer, exhortation to accept and await the LORD JESUS ​​CHRIST - The Ticket is free

19) To be sure to be raptured - The Song of the Rapture - The revelation of ZION by GOD

20) How did all this happen to me?

21) Let us try, if it is possible, to stop talking about what is so extraordinary

22) Some reflections, my goal is to warn His People

23) Explanatory Diagram of the GREAT SIGN

24) My joy is perfect -  The Lighting Reign of GOD has arrived

25) Our Transformation and Our Departure

26) Summary table of the plagues of the Great Tribulation - Many figures given by Jesus

27) The sign of Jonah, his brokenness and obedience, and the salvation for a whole people.

28) The wise obediant first church sold everything, She has amassed treasures in heaven.

29) 23, 24, 25 September 2017, the last trumpet

30) Notes on the Software used: STELLARIUM31

31) Let us admire the celestial mechanics created by Our Father and His Word Jesus

32) The sky that will be seen from the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem on September 23, 2017

33) The Wink of the Lord 1 lunar month before.

34) Who will understand the strategy of GOD Almighty?

35) The 2 "Raptures" of believers mentioned in the Bible before & at the end of the tribulation.

36) What was obvious to Jesus - 4 passages of Scriptures "No one knows of that day and hour"

37) The great red dragon (Urgent rapture)

38) If the Word seems to be slow to be fulfilled - The perfect symmetry of the Great Sign: 60 H

39) 3 times

40) Reminder on the date that seems limit: on 05 10 2017

41) But does God fear anything from the dragon?

42) The Obedience of the Son of God to the Heavenly Father

43) An Infinite and Eternal Recognition to Jesus and to my Father.

44) The Glory and Joy of GOD: "That God may be all in all"

45) The Mystery of God is fulfilled with the seventh trumpet

46) The Holy Spirit understands the secrets of Christ and communicates them to The Bride

47) Jesus' passage on Earth was a Great Light for humanity

48) The Church’passage on Earth will be a Light for humanity - The number of The Lamb's Bride : 60

49) JESUS ​​was not afraid to say to his disciples: ... but 3 days later He will resurrect.

50) 80 days of cleansing - The logical sequence of events & The 7th Trumpet (The last One)

51) I have hardened his heart ... Let my people go

52) Texts about 2 "Raptures" of believers (Church - Israel) before & at the end of the tribulation

53) Let's look at the Times in the life of Jesus & His Church

54) Dates and Chronology of Tribulation & Great Tribulation

55) I am neither a prophet nor a son of a prophet - The Enigma in Song of Solomon

56) 6000 years of humanity’s history…

57) God's dilemma between His Justice and ... His Love

58) The Perfect Holiness of Jesus ​​Christ becomes Our Holiness (Frédéric GODET)

59) The beauty of the 4 Perfect Beloved

60) God 4 in 1, the Ultimate Desire of Jesus Christ - Necessity of the Trinity and the Incarnation

61) About Christian Perfection

62) Adoration due to God, in spirit and truth - My Lord showed me in the following order

63) A Dream on the Children Rapture

64) To those who will remain after the rapture - Still Glorious

65) The time is short

66) The 4 Signatures of the Divine Plan

67) The Word of God is very precise, she aims her target

68) The Word of God is very precise in Daniel 9-25

69) Wait for what Jesus, The Father and The Holy Spirit have promised  

70) "Nehemiah's Formula" illuminates the Mystery of the Rapture

71) The Key to the Enigma : 60 X the time of Jesus Offered = …

72) The Blood of Jesus erases sin, even from the Memory of GOD

73) The Parable of 10 Virgins

74) GOD' Time based on CHRIST

75) Conclusion: The Word of God and the Mystery of the Rapture Date

76) The Incarnation of the Son of God Mystery, His Coming and… His Return

The duration of Jesus’ Incarnation: 12 120 = 6 x 2020 days                     76-9c

    Abraham saw from afar the symmetry of the times around The Sacrifice offered by GOD 76-13h4 & 5

     A Grace of God: God loves men and even corrected their calendar                                         76-13j

    David received the porch and the temple plans, = the heavenly Temple The Church              76-13p4

    Elijah and the fire from heaven which falls and raises the 3 + 1 libations                                   76-13o & u & v

    Paul prophesied the fulfillment of Messiah Christo (2020) in one flesh... in 2020                    76-13q

The hour of Jesus' resurrection                                                                       76-13r & t

The Key of David and its mysteries                                                                  76-13x & 17f

The 2 witnesses and their preaching in 2021 : Christ crucified              76-13q51&13x-f &27

    The Bride of the Lamb transformed according to the promises carried by Jachin & Boaz      76-13z & 17

    Jesus in His Ministry as High Priest for 1200 days                                                                           76-15g3

    The various confirmations of the night of January 11/12 for The Birth of Jesus                     76-15j & 80-8

    The opening of the times of Christ: "Holiness to the Lord" = "My Son, I begot you this day" 76-17f & 80-9

    The End in 2021 (2nd creation) was announced by God from the 1st Bible verse                    76-19

     The Holy Spirit is poured out like the Great Waters for 189 days on all nations                   76-22

                  Here are the plausible dates – The various rungs of the ladder (see following 76-30-12 S8 and 78c) 76-29

                  Is the date of Christ's birth clearly stated in the Bible? 32nd day                                               76-30 & 80-9

                  The Heavenly Jerusalem                              The number of The Messiah : 32                         76-30-5 & 12h

                  My best Friend is God… He took care of the animals subject to death                                   76-23&30-12u & 79-9&10

      77) After the rapture, The 2 witnesses send by God and Gog et Magog's war

      78) Reminder and Conclusion : Birth into the New Creation

      79) Determination of the 3 days and 3 nights: Thursday day of his death - Saturday evening his resurrection

      80) The glorious original nudity restored - Jesus at 12 years old reveals the date of his return



Annex 1:   Synopsis of Humanity’s History

Annex 2:   Apocalypse’Scenario according Jesus

Annex 3:   The Most Holy Place of the Whole Earth - Golgotha

Annex 4:   His feet will be on this day on the Mount of Olives - The Valley of the mountains

Annex 5:   The Messiah's Home, the King of the Whole Earth during the Millennium

Annex 6:   Works by Johannes KEPLER the Austrian astronomer - The date of birth of Jesus

Annex 7:   Enoch, The Man who impressed GOD - The Clock of GOD based on Enoch's Life

                                                                                                           The Day of The Lord

Annex 8:   Personal Conclusion

Annex 9:   Number of missing people - Abraham' descendants - Animals salvation

Annex 10: God announces what will happen after the Rapture

Annex 11: The Divinity of Jesus-Christ, Base of Our Elevation (Frédéric GODET)

Annex 12: The Messiah of Israel: Jesus-Christ Crucified and Triumphant; discovered by Moses...

Annex 13: Date of the Messiah's coming for Israel according to Daniel 9-25

Annex 14: Noah's Ark discovered on Mts Ararat and... the Mystery of the Rapture - Haggai

Annex 15: Solomon's Song Enigma helps to solve the Saints Rapture Enigma - Sulamith

Annex 16: My testimony & My personal destiny



Book summary : This first page of the site summarizes the entire book,

(Detailed explanations – the various rungs of the ladder – are in the various chapters)

Important Chapters: 2, 4 et 36, 18, 19, 26, 47, 48, 52, 64, 76 & 80, & finally Annex : 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 14.

Red Chapters highlighted in grayto contemplate GOD & His Work and to worship Him

The Introduction (Chapter 0) and all personal Chapters in Green are included in Appendix 16


The    Initiator    Event    of   …    Apocalypse

 You know what is restraining the man of sin,

so that he only appears in his time.

For the mystery of iniquity is already working ;

Only there is one who restrains now, until he is taken out of the way.

May   15 ,  2024 , (see Chapter 80-8 to 80-11)

Will millions of Saints and Children  disappear ?

The solution to the enigma is in The Key of David, summarized at the bottom of this page

(This is The Fulfillment of CHRIST :  exactly 2020 Years  after the Decisional Birth of Jesus)


Let us do like the prophets, who made this salvation the object of their research and their investigations, wanting to probe the time and the circumstances marked by the Spirit of Christ who was in them, and who testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ and the glory of which they would be followed. 1 Peter 1-10/11

So here are my assumptions / suppositions following my research / investigations in  The  Word  of  God,

Impossible to do them without The  Wonderful  Guidelines  of  My  Beloved  Lord  and  Savior :  JESUS - CHRIST.

I do not add anything to The Word of God, I am only trying to understand The Logic of My Heavenly Father.


Schematic conclusion of chapters 74-75-76

The 9+98 passages in green below of Holy Bible tell us about the date of the Rapture of the Saints.

Please click on the Chapters C3... or Annex A7... in Blue below, to access the texts.


A superficial reading of this book will show only a series of plausible proposals of successive dates for the coming of the Heavenly Bridegroom Jesus, coming to seek His Beloved, in view of Divine Wedding.

This book is filled with human weakness and Glory that gets back to God Alone. (1 Treasure in a clay vessel)

Human weakness, because:

  • If Sulamith thought she had seen her Beloved appear many times, these night alarms were the Expression of her Perfect Love for her Beloved.
  • Similarly, for my part, I believed many times that the time was there and hastened to write, and thus mentions numerous dates throughout the book (written between 2016 and 2024), plausible dates mentioned, and listed to warn of the possible imminence of the Rapture of Saints.

A thorough reading of this book will reveal the path indicated by the Holy Spirit to discover the final object sought, and the various successive stages linked together to reach it and marked by certain dates and particular facts which enlighten us of the impending Coming of the Celestial Husband. (Wonderful path detailed in Annex 16-8)

Through the clues mentioned in The Holy Scriptures, in the prophetic life of men and women engendered by Zion,

God invites us to deduce the date of the Saints‘ Rapture.




 In the chaos of human history, here is... The Perfect Timeline of GOD' History:

 Here are 8 (+2=10) different biblical bases of calculation to approach the Saints’ rapture date

1 - The life of Enoch has helped us to precisely determine the dates of:                                              (1st basis of calculation)

  • The first series of meteorites that impacted the earth during the flood,
    • in 2457.87 BC, i.e. 17 Yar = End of April of the year 2458 BC.
  • The second series of meteorites that will impact the earth before the Messiah's return in Glory.
    • The start will begin in mid-July 2025 with the 6th Seal (End of April  + 75 days = mid-July)
    • The end around 6 months later in January 2026 with the 7th Cup.

2457 + 12 x 365.25 + 100 = 2457 + 2026 Here is God’ Clock based on Enoch’ life

The walk with God according to Enoch will influence all of history, the whole walk of his descendants.

In His Patience, God will add 100 years to the 1,000 blessed generations after Enoch.

See Annex 7 h and j 1, 2 to 5

And this regardless of the date of the rapture of the Saints.

This allows us to consider for how long the days will be shortened by 1/3 of their time,

according to the prophecies of Jesus:

  • to his disciples (in Matthew 24-22 If these days were not shortened, no one would be saved; but, because of the elect, these days will be shortened.)
  • to his beloved disciple John (in Revelation 8-12 The fourth angel sounded his trumpet. And a third of the sun was smitten, affected, and a third of the moon, and a third of the stars, so that a third of the was darkened, and literally let the day not appear for a third of it, and the same for the night.)
  • This between the 4th Trumpet (at the end of July 2025) and The Return in Glory of Jesus, July 23, 2031, dated precisely from the Rapture of the Saints, which would take place on May 15, 2024, that is 2625 days (1290 + 1335, see Daniel 12-11) before the Great Day of the Lord. Which will make a shortening of about 728d. out of 2183 days (-24months out of 71 months).
  • When on His Return in Glory, Jesus with all His Saints comes down from heaven and sets his feet on the Mount of Olives, there will be a great valley and the highest mountain will rise who will raise Mount Golgotha high.

See Annexes 3 to 5

    • The earth whose days will be shortened by the impact of meteorites (16h instead of 24h), will be slowed down by the coming of Jesus and will turn again more slowly (>24h ?) to increase the longevity of its inhabitants as before the flood. It will be: Jesus Christ signature
    • The Day of the Lord will be the first very long day of this Glorious New Era of Love of Justice and Peace that will be : 

The Millennium.                                    See Annex 7 j4-5


2 - Surprisingly, completely independent of the date of the Great Sign in heaven, Scripture points out :

(read the detailed explanation in Chapter 76 - 13h3 to 13j)                               (2nd basis of calculation)

 (The year 2020 quoted in the table below is the one of God which ends on May 15 2024)


  • 3 - From the birth of Israel in May 14, 1948, Jesus will prophesy His Return in Glory before the end of this generation. (Current life expectancy in Israel: 83.49 years). The days being shortened finally of 1/3, 80 years would end 625 days later, i.e. January 29, 2030. But for this generation of superior longevity...

Lord's Day:                     Before 14 Nov July 2031 = May 1948 + 82.5 real years                          (3rd basis of calculation)

Rapture of the Saints:  Before Sept 7 2024 = 14 Nov 2031 - 7 ans +65d - See Chapter 76-17g & 76-21d -30 & Annex 7-J1

See Psalm 90-10; Isaiah 66-8; Daniel 7-25, 9-27, 12-7 & 11; Matthew 24-34; Revelation 7-14, 11-2, 12-6 & 14, 13-5


  • 4 - The Fulfillment of Christ, His Destiny: The Union of Jesus The Head and The Church His Body is dated by Paul in 2020, this 98 times in his writings, in The Name of Christo expressed in the dative for an attribution or destination complement.

Jesus precise inspiration : He who announced "As for the day and the hour, nobody knows" and who bore in His Name Christo the date of His Return for His Beloved (2020), Jesus Christ did not say: "As for the year, the day and the hour, nobody knows." But He said “I came not to abolish, but to accomplish the law. He will not disappear a single iota, until all things are accomplished."   

(Fulfillment => at the end of the 2020th full year)    (4th basis of calculation)

The final "iota: ι", under the omega: ω of Christo is the fulfillment of the scriptures and 

Jesus Christ signature.                             See Chapter 76-13q and Annexes 3 & 5


5 - But what is the most beautiful, the most marvelous of precision, and what we have refined throughout this work only by His Grace, is the duration of The Church, according to The Perfect Model of the duration of the Incarnation of Jesus , The Divine Model. As Adam was the model followed by God to create Eve. The Divine Spiritual Temple built by Jesus, The Church, will be in the image of the Temple revealed to David, it will concern Israel and all earth families .

6 - Jesus & His Eklesia will be like Jerusalem' wall built by Nehemiah, against which hell's gates will not prevail. (5th&6th basis calculation)

Church Time   =  60 x Jesus Time    The key to The Divine Enigma See Chapters 48 and 76-9  

727 200 jours =  60 x 12 120 jours   and His Body is broken for 12-120 disciples   See Chapters 53 and 76-9c

Ascension after 3+40 days for Jesus, and after 3+40 days for the Church

The union of the 4 (Father_Holy Spirit_Son-Eklesia) in the perfection (7) of waiting (40)

See Chapter 76-13p4&5 & 21d & 22 and Chapter 70

7 - All this dated and announced in advance by The Great God who does not lie, who alone announces what will be before it happens. Outside of Him there is no God and outside of His Holy Word, The Bible, no other written Word has been given. So any new revelation must be in full correspondence with His Divine Word Revealed in The Holy Scriptures.

The Great God 3 in 1, which becomes 4 in 1, saw fit to register, to position all of this in the starry sky, and in due time made:

The Star that came out of Jacob, in the year -5,  announces the birth of the Savior & Messiah Jesus

The Great Sign in Heaven, September 24, 2017, announces the Divine Bridegroom Jesus' return (7th basis of calculation)

After waiting for 3x100+32 weeks + 50+3+40 days of God Mercy - See Chapters 2, 3, 11, 59 and 76-21b & 30


8 - The End was announced from the Beginning by The Omniscient God                            Isaiah 46-10

The Sons of God of the visible world will have to go through 2 creations to be "perfect, accomplished", See Chapter 76-19

God specified the completion time of the 2nd creation from the beginning: ...      end of 2020 (+ wink of an eye = 2021)

As He planned this 2nd creation for all, He has written it down in a calendar that all understand.

                            B  +  H A   R    X     +    S     I     T      +   B   R   A                                         (8th basis of calculation)

                            2  +  5 1 200 900  +  300 10 400   +    2 200 1   =  2 + 1106 + 710 + 203  = 2021

9 and 10 - Return date is hidden in the passage of Jesus at the age of 12 at the temple (See end Chap 76-30-12i & Chap 80-10)


The marvelous journey that the Holy Spirit led me to follow is detailed in Annex 16 - 8 & 10.

I have no merit in it, everything has been a gift from His Part, a manifestation of the Spirit for the common good, in accordance with the Holy Scriptures. Thank you Jesus! A child's heart will recognize it.

Jesus said: I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that you have hidden these things from the wise and prudent, and that you have revealed them to the children.   Matthew 11-25   and   Matthew 18-3 In truth, if you do not convert and if you do not become like little children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven.


Romans 8-18 For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which will be revealed toward us. 19 For the creation waits with eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed. 20 For the creation was subjected to vanity, not of its own will, but because of him who subjected it, in hope 21 that the creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of decay into the glorious liberty of the children of God. 22 For we know that the whole creation groans and travails in pain together until now. 23 Not only so, but ourselves also, who have the first fruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for adoption, the redemption of our body. 24 For we were saved in hope, but hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for that which he sees? 25 But if we hope for that which we don't see, we wait for it with patience.

Those who remain In CHRIST, on the benefit of The Blood shed on The Cross, are One with Their Lord and are ready to go. 


Jesus  warned  His  People:   " If you won’t watch,  you won’t know what hour I will come. " Revelation 3-3

The Bride will know: The One who watches will know which day and at what hour Her Spouse will come to pick Her up. Heb 10-25

Inhabited by the Holy Spirit of God, She will know in Her Time this precious information.


Many refuse to consider a date, according to their deep conviction, which I respect, and according to their understanding of the Scriptures. This is in no way in contradiction with this work which only reveals the date sought for the Rapture of the Saints some time before its implementation; but which warns of the imminence of the event for about 7 years with dates of high probability. The magi, wise men, were aroused in their curiosity by the Star that came out of Jacob, then fully convinced, they set out in search of the announced Messiah. For my part, challenged by The Great Sign in Heaven, I tried to understand The Logic of My Heavenly Father, by researching / investigating in The Word of God, according to his invitation. Regarding the accuracy of the dates proposed successively through the study: Nothing is more precise than The Word of God, Mathematics and Astronomy which is regulated like a watch by The Divine Watchmaker.

So here’s the purpose of this book,

controversial purpose for some,

certainty for others.

Revelation granted by the Holy Spirit, to those who obey Him, In His Days, according to His Promise:

Genesis 24, Daniel 9-25 and 12-4 and 12-9, Matthew 22, Revelation 12, ...        See Chapter 75


Here 7 Questions to sceptics, detractors, mockers, injurious, contemptuous for whom I pray :

 1) Is sulamith condemnable

for expressing her multiple night visions and

her passionate expectation of Her Beloved Shepherd?


2) Am I to be condemned for assuming plausible dates

For the Rapture of Saints announced after the Great Sign?


3) Is the Intimate Desire of GOD's Heart condemnable?

Here it is expressed by Jesus :

How many times have I wanted to gather my children,

And you didn't want it! You will not see me anymore, until you say:

Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!

I send you prophetswise men and scribes.

You will kill and crucify some and stone my envoys,

You will beat others in your synagogues and

you will persecute them from city to city.

Matthew 23-34/39


Saints of all times have desired and sought the coming of the Messiah and the return of Their Lord.

4) Are they condemnable for having expressed His Coming and supposed His Return as being near?

They only saw his coming possible when no more divisions would oppose the gathering of the Saints,

It is this Perfect Unity, which nothing divides, that characterizes the true Saints engendered by The Sacrifice.

He who has known The Sacrifice of Jesus no longer judges, no longer condemns his brother, he loves, forgives and prays.

This one is ready to go, he has received the interior testimony that he is pleasing to God. He has his departure ticket.


NO, the many confessions of the passionate expectation of Sulamith and the Saints have not been removed from the Holly Scriptures, even if this expectation has not yet been honored (so that they will not reach perfection without us - Hebrews 11-40).

This is why I don't delete the historic of plausible dates given in this book.

This enigmatic book is constructed like the Song of Solomon, Fireworks, The Key of David.

5) What is your state of mind, that of the Lily of the Valleys (the Beloved who awaits Her Shepherd) or that of the thorns (the world)? SoS 2-2

There is nothing hidden that must not be discovered, nor secret that must not be known. Luke 12-2

6) Will you still say that the day of the Coming of the Bridegroom for The Wedding Feast is unknown to the Bride?

7) Are you part of the Humble and Gentle Bride of the Lamb? Philippians 4-5

Or is your heart still slow to believe what the Holy Spirit is revealing today.


This book is built like a painting or rather a canvas with threads. You must look at the canvas first (the cover page which summarizes the book) before referring to the back of the canvas (the various chapters) to see the knots of the threads and the construction of the work, the path that the Holy Spirit made me follow. So I cannot delete a single page, it would be dishonest on my part, as showing infallible inspiration from myself, when there was a groping permitted and willed by My Lord.


preparatory exam precedes and generally prepares a candidate for the official test, likewise an accident simulation exercise, prepares a responder (firefighter, doctor ...) to face the possible future real situation.

The Saints’ Rapture by The Lord Jesus will undoubtedly take place soon, and many cry outrage when someone tries to envisage (a plausible date for) a dress rehearsal, because according to them, all are ready and no one should be made aware . In any case considering a plausible date is a scandal for some and far from them the idea of preparing well, their mouths speak of the abundance of their hearts. Are the children of this century more careful than are the children of light?

When the time comes, The Glorious, Holy and Impeccable Fiancée is preoccupied by the smallest details of its preparation.


The Salvation Offered (the ticket) by GOD is Free, it is His Grace Offered to the condemned man that we were because of our sins, and that we must humbly ask and accept if we want to benefit from it. The Price having been Paid by Jesus Alone and having been Declared Accepted by Divine Justice through His Resurrection from the dead.  John 3-16; Isaiah 53 ; 1 Peter 3


So here is,

Through this trilogy of books, the main one being an anticipation book based on the 2 previous ones:


The Life of Enoch - The Life of Noah - The Rapture of the Saints

Annex 7            -           Annex 14         -          The rest of the book

The particular Grace that was given to me for you ...                           Thank you Lord Jesus!

To understand what will happen to our generation, prophesied by Jesus,

we must understand what Enoch lived, and what happened in Noah's time.


If this book has interpellated you, thank you for sharing it with your acquaintances

who will be able to judge the value of its message only with the help of the Holy Spirit

(The Spirit of Strength, Love and Wisdom given by GOD to those who ask Him in faith).


Job 36-26 God is Great, but his greatness escapes us; the number of his years is unsearchable.

At the dawn of my Christian life, at the age of 18, I remember having understood that the eternity of God was incomprehensible to man, but I knew at that precise moment, that one day ... I would understand this mystery.

Today I realize that the Holy Spirit is already revealing to us what pertains to the incarnations of the Son of God and of the Church his Body, the Holy Spirit lifts this veil for The Beloved, he indicates to her when her earthly journey will end, as Abraham's old servant did to Rebekah.       See Chapters 3, 7, 76-9b & c, 76-13q; 76-21

Jesus : 256d    +   6 x 2020d = 12 120d  Î  +     40d

Eklesia : 10d + 60 x 6 x 2020d = 727 200d + 1200 + 264d Î

From Jesus ‘Resurrection   to   the Rapture of the Saints


         See explanations in Chapter 76-13v to 13z & 21d


This is how The Messiah Jesus seems to use The Key of David


The Word of God , The Word made flesh, Jesus seems to want to show the last Faithfull Church in time, that

The Key of David (Revelation 3-7) that He uses, has 7 hidden mysteries unveiled today :


1 - The mystery of the Reference:

Jesus measures time with… a length: the cubit (Matthew 6-27)

2 - The mystery of the Divine Model of time:

The duration of the Incarnation of Jesus is 12,120 = 2020 x 6 days, from his birth to his death

“Here is My Body and My shared Blood” - See Chapters 3 & 76, paragraphs 9b and c

At the end of his life, Jesus manifested as the slain Lamb of God [in flesh (body) and blood (soul), in every way similar

    to other men, limited like them but made powerful by his submission to the Holy Spirit], Jesus will nourish at Easter:

    12 apostles, then the Holy Spirit specifies about 120 disciples who remained faithful, perhaps 121, 122...

    thus the Holy Spirit intentionally caused to be written: 120, in Acts 2-15 and Apo. 21-14 emphasizes again:   

   12 names of the 12 apostles of the Lamb, the Lamb who annihilated himself voluntarily by submitting

   his own will to God's perfect will. 12 12 => 0 => 12 120 days : Time of the Lamb (confirmed by the star out of Jacob).

Christo accomplished (expressed in the dative = 2020), will remain in his humanity exactly 2020 years.

   Jesus accomplished everything on his death day because by faith He expires in the light, this is God's response

   at the cry of abandonment of His Son Jesus, 1- promise of the resurrection: 12 117+3 days = 12 120 = 6x2020

   2- promise of begetting a Holy People: 12 120 x 60 = 6x2020x60 - See Chapter 76-13q, 13r, 17d

Jesus-Christ perfectly completed His Work at His Resurrection after 6 times of 2020 days.

   The 7th global time will be the final apotheosis: A Time of 2020 years,

   At the end of the 2020th year after His Decisional Birth, His Destiny will be fulfilled:

   The Union of JESUS The Head with His Body The CHURCH at the time of the Saints’ Rapture.

   Start and end of this Time of 2020 years would take place on May 15 of years 4 and 2024.

   The head is part of the body just as the time of Sacrifice for Jesus is part of the global time.

   His Body The Church is built on the model of Jesus The Head: 60 x 12 120 = 727 200

   Earthly things are built in the image of the heavenly ones, David’ Temple conforms to The Church.

Jesus in His Ministry as High Priest completed 1200 days of total consecration to God His Father

  1200 = 30 x 40 days - In contrast to Number 6-12, all the days dedicated to God are counted.

  That is to say 40 days for each of his 30 years previously lived, as if to certify

  The whole of The Life of Jesus as having been consecrated to God. See Chapters 58 and 76-15g

  1200 = 12 x 100 days - Coming to save Israel first (Matthew 15-24), He carried the 12 tribes on his heart,

  He fully interceded for the guilty and as a Righteous Substitute, He will justify many men, in taking

  charge of their sins and their iniquities. The punishment that gives us peace has fallen on Him. Isaiah 53

Jesus is the Indestructible Wall of the entire Universe forever, built in 12,120 days of perfect

   obedience to His Heavenly Father, to bring together the whole universe fascinated by Christ,

   The Perfect Model of Love and Submission, The Hero of God having defended the Honor of God

   Just and Love; as the earthly image of the wall of Jerusalem built by the men with Nehemiah also

   in 12 120 working days. Ephesians 1-8 - See Chapters 70 and 74m

3 - The mystery of Generation, or Multiplication: 100, 60, or 30 (Matthew 13-23)

The duration of the Church will be 60 times the time of Jesus - See Chapter 48d

12 120 days of Incarnation of Jesus x 60 = 727,200 days of Church time

The true Temple: the Church will measure 60 "cubits" (60 x Time of the Model)

John 14-12 Most certainly I tell you, he who believes in me, the works that I do, he will do also;

and he will do greater ones (100), because I go unto my Father (40+1160 days of ministry = 3.2 years).

4 - The mystery of the Sacrifice offered by God, and of times Symmetry:

The 2 comings of the Messiah Jesus are contemplated from afar by Abraham - See Chapter 76-13h4

   Abraham, the man who sacrificed everything for his God, even Isaac, his only one (Genesis 22-2)

   Abraham dies in the year -1991, before Jesus Christ, but certainly sees in vision:

   The symmetry of time centered on The Sacrifice of His Great Friend, His God => t + 1 9 9 1   T   1 9 9 1 + t 

   Abraham contemplates the revelation of the sons of God begotten in faith, a few days (t=1464 days?) before his death,

The Sacrificed Messiah will appear after 1991 years after the death of Abraham

Accomplished Messiah will be revealed at the end of 2020th year: 1991 years after his death in 29 + a time t=1464d (?)

5 - The mystery of the time of the Sons of God Final Calling, after pre-knowledge and predestination

Before the creation of man, God foreknown and predestined all His Sons;

but The Great King now calls the guests to the Wedding Feast by his servants (Matthew 22).

      Number of years from the creation of Adam to the Call of the Great Sign in heaven: 6000 years

Until the announcement of the fulfillment of God promise: Here is the Bridegroom, go to meet him!

Since September 25, 2017 (date of the symmetrical Great Sign) The Bride of the Lamb (Zion)

   finishes her preparation to meet Her Heavenly Bridegroom, Her Beloved Jesus.

   After a waiting time of 3x100 + 32 weeks + 50+3+40 days for God Mercy - See Chapter 76-21b & 80

6000 years [4114 + 2027 - 130 (delay for the birth of Seth) - 7 (years of tribulation)

  - 4 (Great Sign before the Rapture of the Saints) = 6000 years] See Chapter 56d corrected in Appendix 7i

Sept 2017 to Sept 2023 have therefore been 6 years given by God for the announcement of

   the Wedding Feast and the urgent final preparation of the Bride of the Lamb. See Chapter 76-13e

Those who understand the times and walk faithfully with Their Lord let themselves be warned.

   They are justified and will be glorified at the time of the rapture of the Saints. (Romans 8-28 to 30)

      The Star coming out of Jacob will cross the celestial vault from east to west from the beginning of May -6

approximately to the beginning of January -5, an announcement about 4 years before The Sacrifice

   accepted by Jesus of his own will on the altar of unconditional obedience to God His Father. See Chapter 3

   A star will come out of Jacob or A star will come out of a star offering the spectacle of a double star

   very well interpreted by the humble Magi who came from the East to adore the unborn Messiah.

    The Great Sign in heaven will last 60 hours and, 4 years before, it announces the begotten Son Rapture,

   The accepted Sacrifice by all justified Saints of their own will on the altar

   of unconditional obedience to God Their Beloved Heavenly Father.   

Jesus succeeded in reproducing in His Saints His unconditional Love for God His Father.

6 - The mystery of the time of the Revelation of the Sons of God, of Entering and Leaving the True Temple:

      The Coming to earth, of God with Man desired by David, only happened through...

      The Departure from the earth, of God in man will be done by following the same mysterious key...

The Porch of the True Temple revealed to David in priority before any other architectural element,

with its 2 Jakin and Boaz columns, carrying… 2 wonderful promises.

See Chapter 76, paragraphs 13p4, 17d & e

When the mystery of the Generation of the Church is fulfilled, the revelation of the Sons of God,

   object of waiting in a longing for all creation, (Romans 8-19) will then be fulfilled ...

Like the Beautiful and Holy Sulamith who ardently hoped for her Beloved Shepherd,

and shunned the repeated advances of the seductive monarch Solomon (who sought such

woman since always and finally had found it in this simple keeper of the vineyard so faithful,

it will be the means used by God to bring him back into ways of sincere repentance),

The earthly departure of the Church, 4th true Temple of God on earth, would take place after a waiting

period: 1264=4x365+4 days [4x365cb (Total dimensions of David' Temple) + 4cb],

Covering of Glory promised according to the Porch image of the True Temple of God with Jachin and Boaz:

1 - The Bride of The Lamb will be transformed and 2 - made like His Divine Bridegroom.

7 - The mystery of the earthly time of the second Adam, of Christ = Jesus The Head + Eklesia The Body,

      The length of time of his free choice of unconditional obedience to the will of God.

 The opening of the times of Jesus : See Chapter 76-30-12 U 5

The Conception of the Son of God in the womb of Mary, the night of April 30, year-6 to May 1, year-6

The Birth of Jesus,                                                                     the night of January 11/12 year-5

His Circumcision, on the 8th day,                                           January 19, year-5

His Presentation to the Lord, on the day of his appellation "Holiness to the Lord" at 41 daysFebruary 21 year -5

The day of His decisional Choice of Good, at 892 days, i.e. 2 years 5 months 10 daysJune 21 year -3

The Gift to humanity of Christ (Head and Body), Jesus understands His Call, His Destiny, His Gift;

God calls: Union of the Head and the Body in the heart of Jesus as in that of the Heavenly Father,

At 1578 days, i.e. 4 years 3 months & 25 days,      at Pentecost, May 7 year -1

If the day of the covering of power, Gift of the Spirit to the Church, is well known: Pentecost at 9 a.m.;

So God must have called the Child Jesus at 4.32 years old in year -1, also on the date of Pentecost.

God proclaims through His Word what He has united in His Thought:

This mystery in relation to Christ and the Church is great (the two will become one flesh) Eph 5-32.

The two are therefore one in the mind of God,

CHRIST is one: He is made of Jesus the Head and the Church his Body.

When one is called, the second must be called.        Then,

When one is begotten in the mind of God,

Then the second is necessarily generated at the same time in his thought.

When one is called to reign in the mind of God,

Then the second is necessarily called to reign at the same time in his thinking.


The opening of the times of Christ : i.e. 1200 + 176 days after the Call of Jesus and

The Acceptance of His Destiny proclaimed later in His Decree at 8 years + 32 days or at 8.09 years,

The day of the Begetting of CHRIST"My Son, I beget you today"February 12 of the year 4

The Begetting of CHRIST: Jesus The Head first then Eklesia (Regenerate Humanity) The Body,

                                      With 50d difference according to the feast of firstfruits - Like Adam & Eve (not the same day)

Beginning of the time of CHRIST decreed by the Heavenly Father for 2020 years on earth,

Beginning of the Reign of God restored on earth in the person of His Son Jesus,

Reign that will shine in Perfect Beauty: Eklesia from the Perfect. Psalm 50

Ask me, and I will give you the nations for your inheritance, the ends of the earth for your possession.


The Ministry of Jesus Christ : of 1200 + 40 days = 3.4 years

From the day of His Baptism, December 2, 2540 days before his 30th birthday (Chapter 76-15g & 76-30-12j)

His Death on Thursday, March 18, 29, Jesus was 33.18 years old: 12120 days, 1731 weeks Chap 3, 76-9b&c, 79-11

His Proclamation, 3 days/nights, Jesus in 7 Jonah' places frees Little Ones & Spirits Chap 79-2/4&9/10 & 76-23

 His Resurrection, March 21, 29, Jesus 1st born from the dead (birth-extraction from the dead) Chap 78-A1 to A6

At His Ascension, April 30, 29, 40 days later (Purification according law before entering Sanctuary) Chap 78-A6 & 72-1/5

With His Incarnation of 12120=6x2020 days (from His Birth in the manger to His Death on the cross)


The Ministry of Eklesia : of 12120x60 + 1200 + 264 days = 728664 days = 1995 years

From the day of His Baptism with the Holy Spiritat Pentecost, May 10, year 29

At His Ascension,                                                          May 15, 2024,

After His incarnation of 12120x60 + 1200 + 264 days (Reception of the Gift at His Resurrection / Transformation)

For Jesus and the Church, the reception of the Gift of the Spirit at Baptism is at the same time the beginning of the Ministry of Power;

Jesus understands His Call, His Destiny, His Gift from a young age and will grow in stature and grace before God and before men until the day of His Baptism.

Eklésia begins the day after the Baptism of Jesus with the Call and the reception of the Gift of divine Light by 2 disciples of John the Baptist (including Andrew) when Jesus said to them: Come and see, and they saw and remained and said: We have found the Messiah – John 1. The emerging Church must also grow in stature and grace before God and before men until the day of Its Baptism in the Spirit. The disciples did not yet receive the power of the Holy Spirit within them before Pentecost, Jesus only breathed the Holy Spirit on them – John 20-22.


The Closing of the Times of Christ = End of the Eklesia Church:

The Rapture, His Ascension, towards Jesus in heaven, on May 15, 2024, after 1995 years of ministry with the help of the Holy Spirit.

Marked time No. 91: 1200 + 264 days, which sheds light on the dates of May 15 of years 4 and 2024 Chap80

After a period of birth of 2020 full years before entering the New Spiritual World,

Jesus-Christ perfectly completed His Work at His Resurrection after 6 full times of 2020 days.

The 7th time for Jesus/Eklesia will be the final apotheosis: A Time of 2020 years,

Resurrection March 21, 29 +40+10+727200+1464d => Ascension on May 15, 2024 (end of 2020th year)

(40 + 10 + 6x2020x60 + 1464d = 50 + 727200 + 1200 + 264 days)


728664 days  =  12120x60+1200+264

Eklesia Time = Jesus’ Time x 60 + final Testimony time

From May 10, 29 to May 15, 2024 = 728664days = Eklesia Start to Ascension = Pilgrimage Duration

Chap 76-13r&t & 15h & 20e (Time?) & Chap 76-17d&e & 21 & 22 & 30-12U (Day of spiritual generation)   


So, this is how The Messiah Jesus fulfills and unveils God's Plan,

The Mystery of His Will, according His Good Pleasure He had purposed in Himself.


0 - Only One : Jesus in God    (Rom 8-29, Eph 1-9, 1 John 5-20)    8 - One Multitude in Jesus Christ in The Father

Resurrection on March 21, 29    +40+10+727200+1464d =>    Rapture on May 15, 2024 (2020th year end)

(40 + 10 + 60x12 120 + 1464 = 50 + 727 200 + 1200 + 264 days)

March 21, 29 at 10 p.m. = March 22 for 4 hours already - See Chapter 80

(Possible verification with the tool: )


The date of Jesus' return for His Church Eklesia

The passage from Luke 2 concerning Jesus in the Temple at the age of 12, therefore specifies the date

of Jesus' return first on the clouds, for His Church Eklesia, to the day, 2d after Easter +3+40d, if we consider:


The present here - 12 years - builds on the past - 8 years - which points to the future => year 2024

[8th birthday of Jesus: January 11/12 of year 4, + 32+50d + 2020 years +3+40d = Wednesday May 15, 2024]

[The date of birth of Jesus on January 11/12 of the year -5 BC, revealed by star which came out of a star,

Jesus at the age of 12, already had the redeemed in his heart, saw his intelligence his answers revealed,

The waiting time of 4 years for the consecration of fruits amidst the rejoicing harvest feast before God,

The start of the construction of the true Temple of God: Christ, the 32nd day of the 4th year of his era,

As being the famous day “Today” of the spiritual begetting of Jesus by the Heavenly Father – Psalm 2-7,

The duration of 50 days between the waving of the first sheaf & the 2 leavened loaves of the firstfruits,

The begetting-presentation of Eklesia having taken place 50 days later like the separation of Adam-Eve

The numerical value of the name Christo, in the dative case, as complement of destiny : 2020 (years),

The wait 3+40d after incarnation for Jesus The Head and Eklesia The Body of CHRIST before Ascension]

The present being engraved in the marble of The Word of God, it precisely illuminates

the“Today” of the past, which shines a bright light on the future: the fulfillment of Christ.

(See explanations, groping and path enlightened by the Holy Spirit on Chapter 80-8 to 80-11)

Surprisingly in 2024, Christian Easter feast is on Sunday March 31, 2024 ; and we calculate as the

50th day after the 32nd day of the Messiah: Tuesday April 2, 2024 (i.e. 2 days Easter later, while the

adoptive parents of Jesus, Joseph & Mary, only found him on the 3rd day after Easter of the year 8).


And surprisingly this passage from Luke 2 does not leave it possible to envisage a later date for

the recognized fruits borne by Jesus to the glory of God. The “tree planted” 4 years previously

(The Son begotten at 8 years old) was already bearing on this date (at 12 years old at Easter)

the fruits expected and manifested to the glory of God.

And here we are today 2020 years after these 8 years of Jesus. If Christ began in the 8th year of Jesus,

in his 32nd day, for the Head Jesus; it begins for the Eklesia Body, 50 days later, after Easter,

and Christo (dative) will be accomplished in his body, 2020 years later in 2024: 2+3+40 days later.

Here is the date of the return of Jesus announced by this passage from the Word: Wednesday May 15, 2024.


Everything was written in the Word and detectable for a “child” listening to the Spirit of God




Hebrews 6-11 We desire that each one of you may show the same diligence to the fullness of hope even to the end,

12 that you won't be sluggish, but imitators of those who through faith and patience inherited the promises.


I did not try to solve the enigma on my own, My Lord Jesus "took me by the hand", and

He opened my spirit so that I understood, until He said to me, on November 3, 2020 :

The time is fulfilled, the kingdom of God is at hand. Mark 1-15


To only wise God, through Jesus Christ, be glory to the ages of the ages, Amen! Romans 16-27

To Heavenly Father and to the Lamb, praise, honor, glory, and dominion, forever and ever! Revelation 5-13



( See Enoch in Annexe 7)


( See REVELATION in Chapter 26 )



 My Heavenly Father, lighting Jerusalem, looks like a jasper stone and sardius (brown)

My Savior Jesus, the Lamb of God, is born among a people with a clearer skin. Revelation 4-3

If Sulamith is black in skin, Her Shepherd is White like milk, ivory and white marble. Song of S. 1-5 and 5-10 to 15



My best Friend Jesus is God... But here below he has never drawn glory from it.

He was never proud of it, on the contrary he was able to strip himself of his divinity to the point of coming as the servant of all, until his substitutionary death for all on the cross, after having humbly served first and foremost the smallest of the beings he created, the smallest wild animals.

1) Yes, this is how Jesus began his earthly ministry (this is developed in Chapter 76-23), by putting himself at the service of the animals confused by the diabolical tyranny which reigned over them, by coming announce to them The Great Promise of His Heavenly Father: "Redemption offered to all". The promise that the tyranny of death would cease, according to the immensity of the Grace that God would bring out of His Love and Justice for each one of them. This occupied the first 40 days of his ministry (1/30th) because the wild animals came in large numbers, guided by angels, to seek this long-awaited consolation. And they could instinctively see in him, their new humble and gentle master, as before with the gentle and humble Man of the Garden of Eden who had called and orchestrated them in the first Divine Intention of the Creator, they could sense The Germ Certain and True of this promised future consolation: They would be forever united in Him - Ephesians 1-10.

So absorbed by this seemingly humble and yet so important work in his eyes, Jesus forgot to feed on it. After only 40 days he was hungry, and then the devil came to tempt him. It was not possible to approach him before, as he was assiduous in this task so precious because entrusted by his Father.

It had been the same for his ancestor Noah whom he took as a model.

2) Yes, this is how Jesus ended his earthly ministry (this is developed in Chapter 79-9&10), by descending into the lower parts of the earth, into the 6 places visited by Jonah in the belly of the great fish in addition to Sheol, the places of rest of the remains animals small and large, dead without having yet seen the fulfillment of their long-awaited hope: the Revelation of the Sons of God. Jesus descended into the depths of the earth and the sea to proclaim “the Victory of God and the Accomplishment of the Redemption offered to all”. Victory over the tyranny of death through His Resurrection from the dead announcing theirs, according to the immensity of God's Grace through His Love and His Justice for each of them. This certainly occupied 39/40th of his time during these 3 days and 3 nights at the end of his ministry, before ending by crossing Sheol and proclaiming freedom for the spirits imprisoned in corrupt souls so that they return to God. From there, this most defiled and corrupt place, Jesus emerged victorious from darkness and death, resurrected as premices, and waited for the 40 days of purification imposed by the law after this birth from the dead, before present himself in The Heavenly Sanctuary of His Eternal Father.


Returned today to heaven, his eternal abode, Jesus is still filled with gentleness and humility, and when all are looking for the One who is able to open the Book of God, there again, he does not put himself step forward, but he waits humble and fulfilled for the Sign of his Beloved Father to have to get up and present himself in front of everyone, as He is so different from everyone and dazzles them all.

Yes, meekness and humility are His Profound and Divine Nature, and he alone the Lamb slain by the Father is worthy, for he alone has perfectly fulfilled The Will of the Father in his 10 Grand Requirements:


1- You are worthy to take the book, and to open its seals;

2- because You were sacrificed,

3- and You redeemed for God by Your Blood (men,                                  the word "men" is not in the original Greek text)

4- of any tribe or raceφυλῆς (phylēs)                               φυλῆς (phylēs)   translates to "Race" with ς at the end like here

5- of any language,                                                And is translated "Tribe" if with a σ at the end (but not in the text here),

6- of any people,  The root φυλῆ translates: course · nation · people · animal/human race · tribe,

7- and of every nation; This includes the All (Panta) (All that is of the heavens and that is of the earth) Ephesians 1-10 

8- You made them a kingdom                                                              John the Baptist prophesies (Luc 3-6; 1 Corin 15-39),  

9- and priests for our God ,                                                                               Paul (Romans 8-21) and John (Revelation 5-13)

10- and they will reign on the earth. Revelation 5-9/10                                speak of the salvation for all God's creatures.


He draws this gentleness and humility only from His Beloved Heavenly Father.

But for us, still filled with our persistent carnal nature, we seek insidiously to always put forward our gifts even if they are a gift of Grace from God, without first asking Him for His will. It was never so for Jesus, he who was filled with precious gifts, he always humbly put listening to and obedience to the Will of the Holy Spirit and of His Heavenly Father before any manifestation of his gifts.

"Behold My Jesus" say all the "Redempted Ones" who today draw the source of their true and eternal life only from Him in Whom the Heavenly Father has placed them. They were created in Him - Ephesians 2-10

All flesh will see the salvation of God, prophesies John the Baptist (Luke 3-6) and will worship God and the Lamb (Rev 5-13)



My Jesus I love You, I know You are mine

Oh ! what extreme charm holds me to You...



I conclude this book presentation with these paintings concerning My Lord Jesus and His Wife Eklesia








To contact the author, at your service :               Who is D.C.? See Annex 16


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GREEN color corrections are made throughout the book.

But not all the tables in the work have been updated,

They could be with the last scheduled date.

All tables are up to date on this page.








This is how the Holy Spirit led me and revealed His mysteries. (Written on 04/24/2024)

A man (C.M.) whose exhortations I appreciate and such a rare quality of Jesus and Heavenly Father which manifests itself in him (humility), recognized and wrote on April 22, 2024:

“The end times” is a particularly complicated subject.”

Indeed, many know the multiple verses of the Word of God which speak of the end of times, and throw them into the air; they speak about it freely as displaying their knowledge and questioning themselves on this subject; but how few there are who know how to listen, dissect, understand and share this mystery that is the end of time because they have received previously the interpretation by the Holy Spirit.

  • So were the doctors of the law teaching the people in the temple, when Jesus was 12 years old; they were amazed by the intelligence of this child while listening to these questions and especially his answers because the grace of God which filled this child was manifested: the questions became a dialogue and Jesus also began to answer those who questioned him because they discerned in this child a profound wisdom in his questions which they had never thought about and already sensed in him a hidden, simple and obvious answer. YES, they wanted to hear him answer his own questions and so they also questioned him and everyone who heard him was struck by his intelligence and his answers.
  • Likewise, the disciples of Emmaus were able to give a detailed summary of the events to their traveling companion who seemed ignorant, without understanding the deeper meaning; but what grace fell upon them when this fellow traveler (Jesus) explained to them in all the scriptures what concerned the sufferings of Christ before entering into his glory.

YES, they understood, they urged him to stay with them, then finally recognized him, but he disappeared from their sight – Luke 24-13 to 36.

YES, our hearts burn within us when the Holy Spirit explains the Scriptures to us.

YES, we must demonstrate great humility, deep listening and a true thirst to allow Him to stay, dwell and sup with us – Revelation 3-20.

YES, very humbly I say it, I personally received this grace, which I was in no way seeking and of which I was absolutely not worthy, of having the intelligence opened by the Holy Spirit so that he allowed me to understand what concerned:

The mystery of the Ascension of the Saints - The time of the New Creation.

I have walked with the Holy Spirit for the last 7 years, in this very particular subject, but many other mysteries have also received his precious lighting. How much I love when He stops me on a passage in his very particular way. I then know that He will make me understand His mysteries, even the depths of God, and this for the common benefit of the Body of Christ. I then know that He is speaking to me, and I write even without knowing where I am going so as not to forget anything of what He communicates to me, and my soul often cries with gratitude for what He tells me, communicates is beautiful, deep, clear and so simple to understand.

Here is an example among others in Chapter 76:

Chapter 76 13q2 to 13q5. Our study on the Rapture of the Saints seems incomplete when it refers today (end of July 2020) to the prophetic life of men and women begotten by Zion9 in number.

Nor would he not have a tenth person? And wouldn't this tenth person be the expert on the subject, the one who spoke best about the subject that concerns us: the apostle Paul?

Let us be more daring, and ask Our Lord if Paul would not have mentioned the prophetic year that concerns us: 20202020, the year of the Rapture of the Saints?

This last remark is in itself my prayer expressed to My Lord. And I already see the answer on August 1, 2020 while writing this. I don't have the answer yet, but on 2 and 3/08... (See the rest in the mentioned chapter.)

If 2020 was the good year revealed, it was still necessary to position this 2020th year in time. Which was the subject of the revelations of the Holy Spirit, in its time, at the beginning of 2024... See Chapter 80-8 to 80- 11.


Now the time is set by the Holy Spirit and the Word of God and nothing seems to be able to shift what is written in the rock of His Word according to Job 19-24 and Luke 2-41 to 50 which ends with: His adoptive parents did not understand what Jesus was telling them, and do you understand it?

Have you read how the Holy Spirit opened to me this wonderful text from Luke 2 (See paragraph 80-10c), Gospel written in the year 60, and already indicating the path to follow to discover the date of the Return of the Beloved Divine Spouse

Have you read Chapter paragraphs 80-8 through 80-11?


The present here - 12 years - builds on the past - 8 years - which points to the future => year 2024

[8th birthday of Jesus: January 11/12 of year 4, + 32+50d + 2020 years +3+40d = Wednesday May 15, 2024]


Wed May 15, 2024: Resurrection, transformation and Ascension of the Saints with children & angels,

In an instant, in the blink of an eye, at the last trumpet, during a 3rd timeless creative powerful act.

May 16 or 17, 2024:  Israel's war against Gog and his coalition in 1 day, the whole world will tremble.

May 18, 2024:        Anti-Christ appearance to stabilize the international, economic and warlike chaos.


Happy reading with the help of the Holy Spirit, or with humble listening before Him who reveals everything to his friends, even the depths of God - 1 Corinthians 2-10, John 15-15..

And some still bel)vieve that Jesus in glory, Master of time, does not know the time of his return... He who gave his revelation to John and said :


There is nothing hidden that must not be discovered, nor secret that must not be known. Luke 12-2

Jesus  warned  His  People:   " If you won’t watch,  you won’t know what hour I will come. " Revelation 3-3

The Bride will know: The One who watches will know which day and at what hour Her Spouse will come to pick Her up. Heb 10-25

Inhabited by the Holy Spirit of God, The Bride of Christ will know in Her Time this precious information.